So, I recently watched these two videos from TED, ‘where does creativity hide’ by amy tan and ‘how to get your ideas to spread’ by Seth Godin, both intriguing and interesting.
To be successful in something, for example, to come up with an idea and produce it, then make people to buy them. Then the question would be, how do we come up with the creative ideas? How do we implement and sell the product?
There are things we where born good at, things we are interested in, things the others expect you to be excel in, yet they may not necessarily be on the same subject.
Like what in the first video by Amy Tan mentioned, she was expected to be a doctor and to learn piano at a young age by her family, but she grow up and make a living by writing books, yet she was not good at that when she was young. (Which reminds me of how I was good in Chinese Lit but interested in psychology and math stuff but ended up in art LOL...)
Is it coincident , or a kind of serendipity when something happens or an idea came up? Did it happened by random chance or luck? Is it fated? Or happened as a result of something else?
Then we start to ask questions like what is the meaning of life and why are we here for and stuff like that. There are no complete answers, uncertainty is everywhere ,we find particles of truth, not the absolute truth, not the whole truth, like what Amy Tan said.
Amy Tan also mentioned that morally ambiguity is uncomfortable for her. What if we did something bad out of good intentions, for example, to save a fish from drowning? Well, this can be a very a big topic to debate on, I would say just to classify things into good or bad, right or wrong is actually too simple due to the complexity of the world we are currently in, though putting things in extreme ends is simpler. It is more predictable with less uncertainty, somewhere in between will be harder. To tolerant uncertainty can be painful for most people.
Lets move on and talk about creativity, Every artist gets asked the question, 'Where do you get your ideas?' The honest artist answers, 'I steal them. Well, the above statement is actually from the book ‘steal like an artist’ by Austin Kelon, Which is kind of true.
So, how do we come up with all the creative ideas? As for me, I suggest that...
1. Bring notebook with you all the time, record them once u thought about them.(Maybe ideas you get when u shower.)
2. Read a lot(to increase knowledge)
3. Gain personal experiences.
4.Keep all the files and notes in place, creativity is usually the connection between random things that came out of nowhere.
This picture I found online is actually pretty clear on how new ideas came about, we need experiences in order to link up with our knowledge to get new ideas.
Well, after we come up with that brilliant idea, manufactured the product, we are supposed to make it appealing, to target the right audiences, which is the advertising part.
The video 'How to get your ideas to spread' by Seth Godin basically covers this part.
He states that the only thing between the two successful selling product have in common is they are different. We do not have to have the best product, which is to be too good, being good is average and boring. We have to be remarkably different to capture attention.
You do not even have to spend millions of dollars on massive advertising, what we really need to do is to figure out who does care, who is interested, what do they want and give it to them.
We interact with these right audiences, they may be interested and spread the product or idea among with their friend if we are lucky. People just start to buy the stuff.
To conclude, there are supply and demand every where, we just have to first notice the demand then fulfill the needs, in order to achieve success.