
Some Artist I think is ground breaking and admire.

1.William Turner (29 November 1789 – 7 August 1862) 

  He was an English painter who specialised in watercolour landscapes. Most of his work is done using oil on canvas, everytime I look at his work, it remind me of the importance of having good fundimental skill in drawing.

  Love the way he draw the lighting in the paintings, specially the yellowish lighting in the sky. Needless to say, he is an artist with groundbreaking skills.

2. Trevor Brown

Trevor Brown is an English artist from London but based in Japan. His "occasionally shocking" work explores issues of paraphilia.——Wikipedia.

Erm, not sure how to describe my feeling towards his work, I'm not shock to see the content of his art, but the colour being use kind of irritates me(Not the style that I like), I do admire the way he draw the people though, this is the kind of art style that is hard to forget once being seen.  

3. Nina Y

Ireland Artist, most of her work is a combination of photography, editing and basically digital art.

She is a artist whom is ground breaking to me, as she shows that great art can come in conmbination of different forms altogether, not just plainly digital art or oil paintings.

This is a link to her site: http://nina-y.deviantart.com/

4. Branislav Marković

Serbia Artist, mainly doing watercolour paintings. Most of his drawings have that ethereal quality, in fact, most of the landscape he drew is rather simple, and leaving parts of the paper blank to have that great effect.

5.David Walker

English Artist, trained as an architect, not very creative interms of colours been use, but having excellent composition in every painting he made. 

NOT the artist who paint the walls.(If searched on Google.)
This is his blogspot: http://painting-shadows.blogspot.sg/

6.Gerald Green

English Artist, best doing paintings with back lightings.

7.Roland Palmaerts

France Artist,the way he composite and organise his drawing is really great, but the best part that I like from his drawing is how he uses the colour... 

8. Annie Stegg

 I died looking at her skilles on painting.
9.Rob Sato

10.  Morten E. Solberg

11.  Naomi Tydema

12. Irene

Italian Artist, drew all kinds of animals.
His site: https://www.etsy.com/sg-en/shop/dimdi?ref=l2-shopheader-name

13. Kazuo Oga

Most of Miyazaki Hayai's anime background is done by him.

14. Olga Litvinenko

Rassian Artist, one of my favorite artist when it come to the use of colours. Wonderful golden feeling.

15.Joseph Zbukvic

Australia Artist who is excellent in mastering water colour.

Others:  Birim Aksüyek, , Myoe Win Aung, Karl Mårtens,Elicia Edijanto, Thomas W. Schaller.

